Birthday Cakes and party Supplies

We havent really talked about our range of birthday party supplies other than invitations. One of our specialties is a range of edible images icing sheets for birthday cakes.

We take your photos, enhance them, and can create your invitations from this. If you like we can then also print this onto an icing sheet - your photos on your 
birthday cakeswedding cakes or cupcakes.


These are called edible images by some people, and edible icing images by others. They are a fully edible cake topper alternative to hard cake toppers or the ones you poke into the cake.

Add this to our other special party supplies and you are on your way to a very special event!


Now that we have mentioned these, lets talk a bit about some of our favourites.


Recently we were asked to create a beautiful fairy princess party theme. Now we love parties, fairies, and Princesses are many a little girls dream aren't they? 


So we started with the invitations, first using one of our designs as a base, then placing the birthday girls details and the text they had chosen. It looked perfect. The customer was thrilled, and she asked if we could print it as gift tags, as well as a nice big welcome banner.


It just so happens that we could. We expanded the design, which worked well as the customer had given us a high resolution file, so it printed well on the banner. Nearly six foot long, they ended up placing it on the wall of the party room above the birthday cake....which, almost needless to add, had one of our personalised edible images, in the same design as the princess.


Next it was time to create the gift tags for the princess themed bonbonniere. We played around with the template sizing but in the end got it perfectly correct. Packaged up nicely and sent in good time. Lots of happy fairy princesses at that party.


Since then, we have helped create so many happy parties for kids of all ages - yes even grown up ones. From sports themes, to major life events, some using photos, others using screamingly funny sayings and text, and all received very happily, as our reviews attest.


If you are going to hold a party for someone special, you could always pick up a cheap cake and generic candles from the supermarket. And yes that would be cheap. It would look cheap. Or.....


You could wisely invest a small amount of time planning, and organise some really special, personalised party supplies online through a business like ours. If you aren't in Australia there are probably some close to you in whichever country you are in....except maybe Antarctica!


We should probably also add that as we get closer to certain times of the year, such as Christmas, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, St Patrick's Day or Easter, its awesome to theme your event around that event. Check out these Easter Signs and Easter cake toppers to see what we mean!


And your friend, family or loved one - the birthday boy or girl - would love it. In capital letters. It shows that they are worth investing time in, and how much they are appreciated. Its just another way of letting someone special to you know how special they are.


Trust us, we know!

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